Monday 18 May 2015

Preparations for Assessment:

Preparing all the work for assessment took a long time and a lot of consideration. I wanted to show the progression from the source image to the textile piece. I hope I managed to present my work comprehensively. I am really proud to finish the course and I do hope for a pass. Here are some of the boards I am sending for assessment:

S Payne - Assignment 1
S Payne - Assignment 2
S Payne - Assignment 3
S Payne - Assignment 4 
S Payne - Assignment 5
S Payne - Assignment 5
Some final reflections:
  •          Sketchbook: Like many students I was apprehensive about drawing in my sketchbook. I can draw and I used to draw but overtime I stopped. I found myself frustrated a lot. Partly because for textiles, I want to record more detail and my skill level frustrated me. Partly because I didn’t have enough time and I wanted to get things done quickly. However, drawing is like another skill. It needs work and time put into it. You need to exercise your skill or you loose it. Throughout the course I got more confident and dare I say a little better. 
  •         Blog: My tutor advised me to post often but shorter posts, which I completely agree.
  •         Time management: Time is short for everyone but with two young kids I struggled at times. I came to conclusion that I shouldn’t get stressed about what I cannot change. Instead I need to focus on what I achieve despite all odds. I learned a great deal during this course and learning more excites me. The more confident I get with the techniques the quicker I will become. 
  •         Networking: Distance learning can be isolating. To combat that I need to network more. For the next course, I will make more effort to engage more.

This will be my final post. I'd like to thank my tutor Rebecca Fairley. She has been very supportive. Now I look forward to my second course.

Learning Log for Assignment 1 and 2:

I have been busy preparing all my work for assessment. After putting everything together I wanted to make sure that my learning log for the first two assignments appear in my blog too.

At the beginning of this course, I started with a traditional notebook for my learning log. It was great fun but soon I realized that blog is a better medium. It is easier to share images, resources and experience. My tutor encouraged me to go ahead.

But this causes a little confusion. Learning experience for the first two assignments are in a notebook and last 3 assignments are on the blog. To avoid confusion I decided to put my previous learning log on the blog too.

I don’t want to create more work for myself; therefore I will share the pictures of my learning log here. (I am also sending it to the assessors.)
Here are my earlier experiences:

S Payne Learning Log

S Payne Learning Log

S Payne Learning Log
S Payne Learning Log
S Payne Learning Log
S Payne Learning Log
S Payne Learning Log

S Payne Learning Log

S Payne Learning Log